For College Students
Mashable is a wonderful site with the all-you-ever-wanted-to-know-about-social-media-but-were-afraid-to-ask information. Quick! Get an extra A for effort if you can name the movie reference! =)
Thanks to Mashable and David Spinks for this wonderful list of social media sites every college student should check out:
- Cramster.com - Find resources, answers to questions, study help, and more. And did I mention this is free?
- IntershipRatings.com - Want to know what to expect when it comes to internships? Find out from those with experience.
- Zimride - Carpooling for college students. Find a ride across town, across state, or across the country.
- Box.net - Collaborating software for college and beyond.
- Remember the Milk - A task master for those who need some help in keeping it all straight. Works with various applications.
- Gradefund - Get paid to make the grade.
- Evernote - Find information now, retrieve it later from any computer or internet-capable device.
- Zumeo - Find a job, connect through Facebook.
- CampusBooks - Search for your textbooks, get the best price, sell them back when you are done.
And as if that list was not extensive enough, I would like to add a few of my own:
- ISleptThroughClass - Connect with other students, upload notes, share, get points, earn rewards.
- SallieMae's Free Scholarship Finder - A great resource from a name synonomous with higher education.
- ExpoTV - Submit video product reviews, apply to be the first to try new products (for free), get paid for doing so. This is not specifically for college students, but what student couldn't use a little extra spending money or free products, am I right?
Know of any great sites not listed here? Looking for something specific? I want this site to be as helpful as possible to all that visit. Your comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome and appreciated.