Finals... finally
I am finishing up my third statistics class of 2008. What I learned most is I have learned, or rather retained, very little from any of my statistics classes. I have opted to retake one of my tests in addition to my final for this week. And in between baking, dental appointments, and an attempt to re-engage my exercise schedule I have been studying.
Finals always seem harder given they are scheduled right before a break. Winter, spring, or summer, does not matter, we are ready to be done and get started on that all too welcoming break in classes. I get two glorious weeks free of tests and papers, free of thinking, free to spend the days with my children who are growing up way too fast.
Before the true festivities can start I must finish, thus final-ize, my class. I will be prepared. I will do well. I will pass. I will not let the holidays distract me from the task at hand. And my hope is no one else will either. Good luck on your finals and have a wonderfully happy holiday season!