As time allows and as the muse strikes, my lovely and talented daughter Megan will share her experiences on life as a freshman in college.
The Week before final exams.
I am very lucky for only having 3 finals to take this semester out of my original 8 classes. How does this happen? Classes end early, you do well in class and are excused from taking the exam, or there is just no final exam for that class.
My greatest accomplishment of the semester: Passing music theory with an A and not having to take the final exam.
Once my professor said you didn't have to take the exam if you received an A in the class I made sure I got an A in the class. Luckily this was an easy task for me since I'm really good in the subject, but I'm still proud of it.
Typical day for a music major...
Being a music major is not easy. I have to go to class, work on homework, practice my flute, go to concerts... etc. The list can go on forever depending on the day. For example, my schedule tomorrow is insane.
9:30 - music lit
11:00 - cryptography
12:15 - lunch with friends/break
2:00 - core 103 (English)
3:30 - flute class
5:00 - flute party
As of now I only get one break tomorrow and that's mainly to eat lunch. The only benefit about tomorrow is that I know for a fact that I won't have any homework to do.
College Tips
So my college tips that I give to you today (and that I will probably give multiple times) are:
1. Do well in all your classes.
2. Learn to manage your time wisely.
3. Make time for your friends. (The people that never leave their dorms are usually the ones that go insane in the long run.)
If there are any specific questions you would like to ask me please feel free and I will get back to you as soon as I can. =]